Monday, August 13, 2012

Bunching Ferns: How Many in a Bunch?

Ferns are picked and made into "bunches". These bunches are made by picking one fern at a time with a "fern ring" worn on the third finger of the right hand, (left if that is your dominant hand). The ring fits between the first and second knuckle and should not ride down on the second knuckle. If the ring rides too low, it will create a sore area and make it extremely uncomfortable when trying to pick the fern.

The ferns should be approximately twenty-six inches, in all. This includes a two to three inch base that has been stripped of foliage. The length of the arm is a good measuring "stick" and can be used quickly when picking the fern. The ferns are picked and placed in the opposite hand, pinch with the thumb to maintain control the ferns preventing them from spreading out, a common problem. Hold the bunch of ferns approximately one third of the way up from the base.

  • Number of Ferns per bunch: 48 to 52 (this allows for culling damaged ferns)
  • Ferns are approximately 26 inches long
  • Butt or base of the bunch, (handle) 2-3 inches stripped of foliage
  • Handle tied firmly with string or rubber bands and trimmed later
  • Bunch must be "straightened" to be prepared for sale
  • Bunches need to be tanked, (placed in two to three inches of water) if required by buyer
  • Price per bunch varies according to buyer and season's demand

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